Why Is Tile Cold and What Can Be Done - Conestoga Tile
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Why Is Floor Tile Cold And What Can Be Done?

Have you ever wondered why tile or stone feels cool to the touch? Interestingly, these two surfaces are the same temperature as everything else in the room at any given time. The reason for tile and stone to seemingly feel cooler than other surfaces is due to their density (which also aids in their superior durability). Because of the warmth of our bodies, when we touch something we are actually heating that item up. Dense surfaces take longer to heat up when touched by human skin thus making it feel cool. Less dense surfaces like wood, vinyl, and carpet heat up quickly and make them feel warmer.

Because of this, in the summer, tile and stone have the ability to feel refreshingly cool and comfortable to the touch. However, that coolness isn’t always as appreciated by those in bare feet when fall and winter bring much cooler temperatures. Fortunately for those who insist on having warmth under their feet their are a couple of good options that can warm up a tile floor and make it more comfortable to walk upon on a chilly day.

The two methods of heating a floor are hydronically, where hot water tubing is embedded in the subfloor and electrically, where the wire heating element is installed beneath the tile. Both systems will make tile or stone floor feel incredible underfoot.

Electric floor heating systems will have a lower installation cost than hydronic systems and once installed will cost pennies a day to operate. All electric systems come with programmable thermostats that will hold the temperature as well as turn the heated floors on and off at predetermined times.  At Conestoga Tile we carry both Laticrete STRATA_HEAT and Schluter Ditra-Heat electric heating systems.

When you visit a Conestoga Tile showroom near you be sure to ask for more information regarding these two great electrical heating systems.